Jet Lag IV Drip
Quickly relieves headache and boosts productivity
Helps with insomnia and irritability

Helps with fatigue and weakness

Relieves headache

Relieves nausea

Hydrates your body


IV fluid (1 liter)

B complex vitamins

Vitamin B12

Anti-nausea andanti-vomiting medicine

Anti-inflammatory, headache, and pain medicine
IV Hydration Doctor reviews
What People Are Saying

New York, NY
I don’t know about you, but the worst part of vacation travel is coming home with insomnia and feeling irritable all the time. I usually wonder if the vacation was worth it! With their convenient Manhattan location, I was able to go to IV Hydration during my lunch hour, and still get home in time to have dinner with my kids.

New York, NY
My headaches have become more frequent and nothing I did stopped them from increasing. Dr. Slava suggested I try IV hydration, and I’m so glad I did.

New York, NY
When I travel, it takes me several days to get over my jet lag symptoms. I have trouble sleeping at night and being awake for work during the day. A friend suggested I try IV Hydration. When I called for an appointment they had the most pleasant front desk.
How does Energy and Focus IV drip work?
Jet lag is a temporary physiological condition characterized by sleep problems and various mental and physical symptoms, such as irritability, lack of concentration, digestive problems, headaches, and fatigue.
Jet lag is common among people who travel long distances (usually by air) across time zones in a short period of time. The body’s internal rhythms fail to adapt to the new time zone, which leads to disruptions in physiological processes.
Symptoms peak immediately after travel and disappear within a week. The duration of jet lag varies from person to person. However, there is a general rule regarding the amount of time needed to adjust to a new local time and get rid of the symptoms of jet lag:
- 1–2 days for people crossing one to three time zones
- 3–4 days for people crossing four to six time zones
- 3–7 days (or even longer) for those crossing more than six time zones
People flying east tend to have milder jet lag symptoms than those flying west.
We have created a special IV treatment to immediately relieve common jet lag symptoms and leave you feeling productive and energized.
Here are the main advantages of this IV procedure:
Flying across two or more time zones disrupts your body’s normal sleep–wake cycle. Typically, travelers with jet lag–induced insomnia have difficulty staying awake during the day and sleeping at night. This is because their body’s physiological processes—the release of certain hormones that regulate sleep patterns and others—are in alignment with their time zone. It takes time to adapt to a new local time zone, including the timing of meals and the rising and setting of the sun.
The vitamins contained in our jet lag IV drip help to accelerate your body’s adaptive processes by promoting the production of melatonin (the hormone that regulates sleep–wake cycles) and serotonin (a hormone that improves mood and sleep patterns), in turn fostering physical and mental relaxation and enhancing your energy supply to help you stay awake during the day. All these results can be noticeable a few hours after the procedure, whereas for jet lag sleep disturbances to resolve on their own may take as long as six to seven days.
Mental and physical fatigue and generalized weakness are common symptoms of jet lag. This is a result of long-haul flights themselves as well as differences between the old and new time zones, which disrupt your sleep patterns and metabolism, which, in turn, makes you feel tired and unable to concentrate on planned activities.
Vitamins B-complex and B12 are well known for their roles in metabolism and energy production. They help give your tissues the energy they need and mitigate the impact of travel on your mental and physical functioning. Additionally, these vitamins help reduce stress and irritability, which require a lot of energy.
So, the vitamins you receive during our IV therapy will help restore your energy levels and improve fatigue and weakness caused by jet lag.
If you’ve ever had a jet lag headache, you know that it’s an extremely unpleasant and tiring experience that zaps your productivity and concentration.
Jet lag headaches are usually either tension headaches (a dull, squeezing pain that primarily occurs around the forehead and is mild to moderate in intensity) or migraines (a moderate to severe throbbing pain that usually occurs on one side of the head and may be accompanied by sleep problems, nausea, and vomiting). If left untreated, the headache can last up to two days.
Considering the prevalence of headaches during jet lag, we have included anti-headache medications that will provide instant headache relief and improve your overall well-being.
Jet lag–associated sleep problems, changes in usual meal times, dehydration, motion sickness, and disruption of hormonal regulation of the digestive system can cause digestive problems, including nausea and vomiting.
Anti-nausea and anti-vomiting medications administered as part of this IV therapy are very effective at blocking nausea-causing signals in the brain and providing immediate relief from nausea.
Flights, especially long-haul ones, contribute to dehydration because of dry air inside the cabin and limited access to water and other drinks. Dehydration, in turn, worsens symptoms of jet lag caused by a mismatch between the body’s internal clock and the local time, resulting in increased fatigue, headaches, cognitive dysfunction, and irritation. Dehydration also slows metabolism, limiting the availability of nutrients and energy to tissues. The longer the flight, the higher the risk of dehydration.
One of the primary functions of jet lag IV therapy is to improve your fluid balance and prevent or treat dehydration and its consequences. The optimal amount of fluid enters directly into your bloodstream, ensuring its immediate delivery to your tissues and supporting essential physical and cognitive functioning.
Ingredients of jet lag IV drip
In creating the jet lag IV drip, we took all the symptoms of jet lag into account and selected the most effective ingredients that will provide quick relief of your symptoms and leave you feeling healthy, energetic, and productive soon after the procedure.
Let's talk about these ingredients in more detail.
The IV fluid (saline) in our jet lag drip is a mixture of water and sodium chloride (table salt) in a concentration that is isotonic; that is, it perfectly matches the concentration of salt in body fluids. It provides immediate hydration and restores electrolyte balance, thereby alleviating symptoms of dehydration, including physical and mental fatigue, headache, dizziness, and irritability. This is more effective than simply drinking large amounts of fluid because it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract and goes directly into the bloodstream, where it is instantly available for circulation throughout the body.
We couldn’t miss B vitamins when it comes to treating jet lag symptoms. These vitamins support our physical and cognitive functioning through their involvement in a number of physiological processes in our body.
B vitamins help quickly relieve the most common symptoms of jet lag, including fatigue, sleep disturbances, lack of concentration, and irritability, in these ways:
- They improve sleep patterns—specifically, vitamins B6 and B9 are involved in the production of serotonin, which regulates our emotional stability and sleep
- They relieve stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety, which, in turn, significantly affect your sleep, productivity, mood, and overall well-being
- They improve metabolism and provide energy to cells, thereby relieving fatigue and brain fog
Vitamin B12 plays a key role in various vital bodily processes. A deficiency of it can lead to anemia, neurological problems, cognitive impairment, mood disorders, and digestive problems. Therefore, ensuring its optimal levels in the body can prevent a range of health problems.
As for jet lag, it helps in these ways:
- It produces melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulation of circadian rhythm and sleep–wake cycles
- It metabolizes carbs, fats, and proteins, helping the body produce the energy it needs from food and nourishing your cells with essential nutrients
- It produces red blood cells, which transport oxygen to our tissues, where it is converted into energy and ensures the proper functioning of cells
In other words, Vitamin B12 helps fight fatigue and dizziness caused by jet lag by regulating sleep patterns and improving the synthesis and supply of energy to our tissues.
High level of Vitamin C provides better antioxidant protection and produce hydrogen peroxide at higher doses that can attack infectious cells.
This IV therapy includes medicines for nausea and vomiting (antiemetics) intended to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting caused by jet lag. Besides helping with digestive problems, they indirectly improve other symptoms of jet lag by preventing dehydration caused by vomiting, which leads to general fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, metabolic problems, headaches, and dizziness.
Anti-inflammatory, headache, and pain medications contained in our IV drip are very effective against headaches, especially migraines and tension headaches, which typically occur during jet lag. This medicine interferes with the production of chemicals (prostaglandins) responsible for pain and inflammation.
Learn more about your IV therapy session
Jet lag is a temporary travel disorder that typically results in sleep disturbances and diminished physical and mental performance. It most often affects travelers crossing multiple time zones during long-haul flights.
Jet lag is a result of the disruption of your “body clock,” which is shorthand for your circadian rhythms, which are not aligned with your destination’s time zone.
Circadian rhythms regulate vital body processes, such as the sleep–wake cycle, hormone production, metabolic processes, cognitive function, alertness, vitality, emotions, and even body temperature. They do so according to the daily 24-hour cycle. When you change time zones quickly, your body clock fails to adapt to the local time zone and therefore cannot regulate these functions properly. As a result, you experience a set of unpleasant symptoms known as jet lag.
Additionally, due to low cabin humidity, the flight itself can cause dehydration and associated headaches, fatigue, and cognitive dysfunction, worsening the symptoms of jet lag.
Jet lag symptoms vary from person to person. Here are the most common ones:
- Physical and mental fatigue that disrupts your overall well-being and concentration
- Sleep disturbance characterized by insomnia at night and daytime sleepiness
- Mood swings, irritability, and lack of productivity
- Digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation, nausea, and vomiting
- Headache (primarily tension headaches or migraines)
Both approaches work well to replenish your body with essential vitamin-rich fluids and improve your overall well-being. Here are some general guidelines to help you decide which option is best for you:
Getting IV therapy before your trip:
Receiving IV therapy before your trip will send you off on your trip well-hydrated, which will help prevent jet lag and its consequences. The vitamins, antioxidants, and medications in the fluid will support your well-being and concentration during and after your flight. This is especially useful for people who have a business meeting or other important event planned immediately after arrival.
Getting IV therapy after arriving at your destination:
IV therapy after your trip will help relieve symptoms of jet lag (including headaches, nausea, lack of concentration, sleep disturbances, and fatigue) and quickly replenish fluid and restore the electrolyte balance of the body.
Yes! Within a few hours after the procedure, you will notice relief from the symptoms of jet lag and feel more energetic and productive. If left untreated, jet lag symptoms can last up to seven days. This therapy is more effective than simply drinking water or taking oral vitamins and medications because intravenous therapy delivers essential fluids, nutrients, and medications directly into the bloodstream, encouraging rapid recovery and vitality.
Jet lag IV therapy is ideal for anyone who wants to recover faster from jet lag and get the most out of the valuable experiences that travel has to offer. However, some groups of people may find it particularly useful:
- Frequent long-distance travelers who want to mitigate the stressful effects of travel on their mental and physical health and keep their body hydrated and nourished
- Those who are more susceptible to severe, long-lasting jet lag symptoms (older adults, people with preexisting sleep disorders, people with compromised immunity or chronic diseases)
- People who have important meetings or other events to attend right after their arrival and have no time for recovery
- Athletes, artists, politicians, and other professionals who need to perform at their best at their destination and therefore must be energized, productive, and focused
Some people may be sensitive to certain components of the jet lag IV drip. This will result in an allergic reaction, which can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as rash, itchy skin, watery and/or red eyes, swelling of the face and throat, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Seeking medical attention immediately if you notice an allergic reaction is recommended.
Rarely, anti-inflammatory, headache, and pain medicine causes stomach pain, nausea, and/or indigestion. Also, this medication may interact with anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin) and antiplatelet drugs (e.g., aspirin), increasing the risk of bleeding.
At our center, before receiving this IV therapy, you will be asked to list your chronic illnesses, allergies if any, and prescription medications. You will also fill out a medical form, which will be reviewed by our healthcare provider, who will decide whether it is safe for you to receive IV therapy.
Our jet lag IV drip costs $299.